Darkness Falls
This being St. John’s Day, I thought it appropriate to mention a few things. First, this is typically the time that lodges in the Northeast US “go dark” for the summer. Now, there’s some disagreement...
View ArticleUncivil Unrest
II. Of the CIVIL MAGISTRATES supreme and subordinate. A Mason is a peaceable Subject to the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concern’d in Plots and Conspiracies against...
View ArticleI, for one, welcome our new Masonic Media overlords.
Many of you have already heard about this, but I figured it’s worth mentioning anyway: Most of the older blogs by Freemasons have been bought up by the growing internet news outlet, Masonic Newswire...
View ArticleClaims Adjustment
Anyone who has been paying to US political news for the last year or so knows that 2016 was a particularly divisive national election year, and that 2017 has been pretty much one “crisis” after...
View ArticleGrand Lodges need to respond to potential new threat
Most of you are probably aware that the social media world has been rocked by the news that Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Google have been secretly recording our voices and using that information to...
View ArticleGrand Lodge of California drops recognition of Grand Lodge of Connecticut...
Most of you will remember that early in February, Connecticut Freemasons woke up to discover that there now is actually a correct answer to the age-old question of which way to wear one’s ring. The...
View ArticleFreemasons to watch Area 51 Run with alien friends, technology
Alexandria, VA — The Connecticut Freemasons Magazine has learned that a number of prominent Freemasons from around the US and Canada, including some from Connecticut, will be on hand to watch the...
View ArticleConnecticut beats the virus by going virtual
According to an upcoming article in The Connecticut Freemasons Magazine, the Grand Lodge of Connecticut will be the first US Grand Lodge to charter an all-internet based lodge. According to the article...
View ArticleDon’t sit alone in the dark – where to go for your Freemasonry fix
As the social distancing and self-quarantines stretch on, Freemasons are feeling the itch to get out and have some fellowship with their brothers. While not quite the same as sitting around a table and...
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